Old & Established Carriers, New Products!

 In Insurance

Friends, we are living in unprecedented times in our country & society.

Even though these times are unprecedented, we work with two very established, “A” rated insurance carriers that are striving through this global pandemic. Sales are off the charts with their innovative, proprietary products meeting client’s goals & needs. If your client is looking for income for life with living benefits, accumulation potential with wealth transfer & heritage benefits, or a combination of both, we have the products to offer to you & your valued customers. 

These times are NOT totally unprecedented for 100+ year old established “A” rated life insurance carriers.

What happened back in 1918 that killed approximately 675,000 Americans and an estimated 20 to 50 Million people worldwide? The Spanish Flu. These 2 solid carriers we promote, one being 133 years old and the other being 111 years old are rocks as solid as they come! They’ve been through pandemics, they’ve been through a couple of world wars, and are still standing strong. Feel confident that your money is safe, and will be there for you & your loves ones when needed!

Unless you’re 102 years old, these times are unprecedented for you and us, but not for these established “A” rated carriers. You as an agent should feel proud promoting their products, and your clients should be able to rest easy knowing their money is safe, and guaranteed.

To learn more about these unique proprietary products during these unprecedented times, give Gen3 Advisor Group a call, and a shot at earning your business. You will be impressed with the results & service we will deliver.

Stay strong and stay safe. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions, please contact our marketing team at marketing@gen3advisor.com

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